
Whatsapp Wart Exactor

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $80.00.

Whatsapp wart exactor V4.0 new released on 2024-02-25; The new wart exactor now supports users who export whatsapp accounts from emulators with format of 4 segments/6 segments. Functions including:

1. Exact whatsapp accounts to whatsapp hash channels;
2. Reload whatsapp hash channels back to emulators or other devices;
3. Bulk convert Jason formatted whatsapp accounts to hash channels;
4. Export whatsapp accounts to folder formatted accounts which also named as “whatsapp queen channels“.


Whatsapp wart exactor V4.0 new released on 2024-02-25; The new wart exactor now supports users who export whatsapp accounts from emulators with format of 4 segments/6 segments. Functions including:

1. Exact whatsapp accounts to whatsapp hash channels;
2. Reload whatsapp hash channels back to emulators or other devices;
3. Bulk convert Jason formatted whatsapp accounts to hash channels;
4. Export whatsapp accounts to folder formatted accounts which also named as “whatsapp queen channels“.


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